How do I remove an uploaded document from my submission?
If you want to remove an uploaded document from a submission, navigate to the submission details and locate the document you wish to remove from the list of required documents.  Select "Remove Document" on the Action Menu.  This is located when you select the down arrow all the way on the right of the next to each document. This will remove the document so you can try again. 

Updating Payment Method‌
‌After you have completed your LASLI Portal submission to the CDI and indicated you wish to pay by check, your submission is placed on your 'Waiting for Payment' page. If you decide you would rather pay for your submission using a credit card and you have not yet mailed in your check, you can update your payment method and resubmit using your credit card. 

Before you change your submission payment method and pay on-line, you will be given an opportunity to update your submission to either add or remove documentation requirements and your submission fees will be recalculated (for update filings only).

LASLI Portal Overview
‌The California Department of Insurance's (CDI) List of Approved Surplus Lines Insurers (LASLI) Portal allows the on-line submission and review of the statutory required documentation requirements of the LASLI program. 
The LASLI Portal is a web-based portal that allows applicants and insurers (or their representatives) to optionally submit and pay for their statutory required documentation requirements and supporting documentation on-line for initial application, annual renewals, updates and amendments.  LASLI applicants and insurers that sign-in to the self-service portal can securely complete and pay for submission requirements on-line. They can return and take as long as necessary to complete their submission.  Once submitted, the documentation solution will allow sensitive information to be securely shared and reviewed by the LASLI review team including CDI and and the Surplus Lines Association of California (SLA). 
Applicants will still have the option to file the original applications, annual renewals and updates in physical form (hard copy).  
The submission requirements for the LASLI application, renewals and updates include a variety of documentation including financial, non-financial and biographical information, some of which is highly confidential.  Submission requirements may also need to be either certified and verified. 
A complete filing guide is maintained by the SLA and CDI and should be reference for specific eligibility criteria.

What is the LASLI Portal?
The California Department of Insurance (CDI) has created this system to allow companies to apply for additions to California's List of Approved Surplus Lines Insurers (LASLI), and for companies on the LASLI to make required filings on-line, rather than by submitting paper documents.
What is "Registration"?
"Registration" is for the first-time user to gain access to the LASLI Portal. You must confirm the email account associated with your LASLI Portal sign-in. You will receive a confirmation email message to the email address you provide. The confirmation email message will ask you to click a link and return to the LASLI Portal. This confirmation process is only required when you set up or change the email address associated with your profile, and it assures that the email provided is fully operational.
How do I reset my password?
The LASLI Portal is designed to be completely self-service. When you need to reset your password, select the "Forgot Password" button on the sign-in page.  
How do I change my password?
The LASLI Portal is designed to be completely self-service. When you need to change your password and you are Signed-in, you can select "Profile" from the menu in the upper right hand corner of the page.  You are presented with your profile page you completed when you registered your account.
What is my username and how is it used on the LASLI Portal?
The email address you provide during registration is your user name to sign in to your account. This email address is also used when changing your email and resetting a forgotten password. This email address is never used for any purpose other than communicating with you regarding the LASLI Portal.
In order for you to set up a LASLI Portal sign-in, you must establish new contact information. The contact information used for the LASLI Portal is separately maintained from other contact information that is kept by the CDI for other applications submitted to the CDI. Even if you have other log-in accounts at the CDI, or provided other contact information to the CDI, you must separately establish a new account only for the LASLI Portal. Similarly, even if the user has established other log-in account at the SLA or provided other contact information to the SLA, you must provide separate contact information to establish a new account only for the LASLI Portal.
You may use a shared email address if more than one person at your organization makes submissions on behalf of one or more companies using the LASLI Portal. The email address associated with your LASLI Portal sign-in account can be changed at any time by using the "Change Email" option.
You will need to confirm the email address used to sign-in before you can complete a submission using the LASLI Portal
How do I change my Username/Email?
The LASLI Portal is designed to be completely self-service. When you need to change your username and you are Signed-in, you can select "Profile" from the menu in the upper right hand corner of the page.  You are presented with your profile page you completed when you registered your account.
Why do I need to confirm my email before using the LASLI Portal?
This is a self-service portal, and you must confirm the email account associated with your LASLI Portal sign-in account. This confirmation is only required when you set-up or change your email address associated with your profile.  This assures that the email provided is fully operational and you are able to receive emails. 
You can learn more about registration by reading "What is Registration?"
Where can I find the latest LASLI Filing Requirements Guide?
Please visit the California Surplus Line Association's web site or the California Department of Insurance's web site
What is a LASLI filing?
A LASLI filing is either an original LASLI application, annual renewal, a non-financial update or a financial update made pursuant to Insurance Code Section 1765.2.  
How do I create a new submission?
You may create a new submission by choosing "New Submission" from the home page or from "My In-progress LASLI Submissions" page or by clicking the "New Submission" button on the LASLI Portal home page.
The LASLI provides for four types of filings.  One filing type is the original LASLI application.  A second filing type is the annual renewal.  A third filing type is the non-financial update.  A fourth type is the financial update.  All of these filings may be made through the LASLI Portal as a new submission.
What is the Submission Id and Package Id?
The Submission ID is a unique number that will be assigned to your submission and can help you keep track of your submissions.
The LASLI Package Id is a number that will be assigned to your submission while you are working on it in the LASLI It Portal and it will be helpful for the user to keep track of these numbers to track submissions while you are working on them.
The package and the submission are related and share the a base number.  For example, all submissions related to package number PKG-900 will follow have a Submission-900.1, Submission 900.2, etc.  
What is an "In-Progress LASLI Submission"?
The "In-Progress LASLI submission" allows you to keep track of your submissions that you have started and not yet submitted. To access the details of your in-progress submission, click on the first column in the list or choose "Update Submission" on the action menu on the right side of the submission detail line.
How do I review my in-progress submissions?
You have two options to review your in progress submissions.
Option 1: From the home screen, you can click on the button titled 'View Pending Submissions'
Option 2: From the menu, you can choose 'Pending Submissions'
Once on list of your pending submissions, you can either click on the Submission ID in the first column or choose 'Update Submission' from the action menu by selecting the down arrow at the end of the row and choosing Update Submission.
How do I update my in-progress submission?
You have two options to update your in progress submissions.
Option 1: From the home screen, you can click on the button titled 'View Pending Submissions'
Option 2: From the menu, you can choose 'Pending Submissions'What is a "Completed Submission"?
Once all of the documents that are required have been uploaded into the system and payment has been made then the submission will be listed as a completed submission.
How do I upload a file to satisfy the document requirement?
To upload files:
1. Select filing method "Online - document attached below"
2. Click "Browse"
3. Select the file you wish to upload from your computer.
4. Once you have selected the file, click "Upload File" again to begin the upload process. Please note that it may take a few minutes for this process to complete.
Please Note: a document title cannot be more than 36 characters long. Document upload fails if the file's name is too long.
How do I update my "Completed Submission"?
When amending an online submission, you should create a new submission and select the submission type 'Amendment' from the "create submission" page.
You will be given the option to link the amendment to a previously submitted new application, annual renewal or update. If you completed the submission using your current profile, previous completed submissions will appear in the drop-down list, otherwise, you can just type the submission id in the text box.  
There is never a charge for an amendment submission and the payment process is bypassed.  When you are amending a submission that you filed in physical form, you can follow the above process, but you should not link the amendment to a submission.
How do I upload a file to satisfy the document requirement?
To upload files:
1. Select filing method "Online - document attached below"
2. Click "Browse"
3. Select the file you wish to upload from your computer.
4. Once you have selected the file, click "Upload File" again to begin the upload process. Please note that it may take a few minutes for this process to complete.
Please Note: a document title cannot be more than 36 characters long. Document upload fails if the file's name is too long.
What size and type of files can I upload?
The supported file types are .xls, .xlsx, .doc, .docx and .pdf.  These file types are used by Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
The maximum file size that can be uploaded is 60 MB.
How do I incorporate a document that has been filed with the NAIC?
When completing the documentation requirements for a submission, you need to indicate that the requirement is being met by referencing the NAIC filing for that document. When answering the question "I am meeting the document requirement by (select one):" with the option "Filed with NAIC (available on public website)," you are indicating that CDI or the SLA can access the referenced documentation requirement on the NAIC website. 
You need to indicate each document that you included on the Schedule F in this manner. You can indicate many documents on the Schedule F. By indicating on the actual document, the LASLI Portal can then calculate the fee and/or set any “required” status indicators.  So, click on the document you have indicated on the Schdule, such as “Annual Statement” in the list of documents and you will see the screen below. When you indicate that you are filing with the NAIC, the “Select File to Upload” step is skipped.
After you indicate that you are meeting the requirement by filing with the NAIC, you then click the "Next" button and then on the "Complete Document Upload" page, click "Submit".  This saves your information and returns you to the document list.

‌What if a required document is not available?
If the required document is not available, please upload a document explaining why the required document has not been attached.
How do I submit and pay?

‌After you have completed all documentation requirements for a submission, you may choose to submit the documentation requirements to the CDI. This can be accomplished from the "Submit and Pay" button on the documentation requirements page or from the list of your pending submissions.  
When paying by credit card, you are redirected to the CDI Payment Gateway to securely process your transaction. Once the transaction is processed in real time, an email receipt will be sent to the email address provided at the time of the payment.  Please remember to finish all processing steps so that the payment details are returned to the LASLI Portal from the CDI payment system.
When paying by credit card is not available to you and you want to submit the documentation requirements online, you may choose to send a check to CDI after you have completed your LASLI Submission.  All fees paid by check must be sent to the CDI with a cover letter at the following address:
Current LASLI companies:
Accounting Services Bureau State of California,
Department of Insurance 300
Capitol Mall Sacramento,
CA 95814.
New LASLI applicants:
CAB-Intake State of California,
Department of Insurance
45 Fremont Street, 24th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105.
When sending a check to CDI, please indicate that you have filed the documents for your submission online and include the submission id. Please visit the California Surplus Line Association's web site or the California Department of Insurance's web site for more information.
How do I share my submission with another LASLI Portal user?
You may use a shared email address if more than one person at your organization makes submissions on behalf of one or more companies using the LASLI Portal. The email address associated with your LASLI Portal sign-in account can be changed at any time by using the "Change Email" option.
Alternatively, you can share your submission with another registered LASLI Portal user by sending them an invitation code. After the invitee receives the code, the invitee can login to their LASLI Portal account and redeem the invitation by using the code and submission identifier provided in the invitation email.
You can share your submission with as many LASLI Portal users as you wish. After redeeming the invitation, the user can view and edit the submission. PLEASE NOTE THAT SHARING THE SUBMISSION PROVIDES THE INVITED USER WITH FULL EDITING RIGHTS TO YOUR IN-PROGRESS SUBMISSION. The invited user can upload and delete documents, provide credit card information, and/or submit the documentation requirements to CDI.
You must be Sign in to share a submission.  The steps to share a submission include:
1. Navigate to your In-progress submissions 
2. On the Action Menu of the submission you wish to share, select "Share Submission"
3. Complete the "Submission Invitation Web Page" and click "Send Invitation"
4. An invitation with instructions will be sent to the email address that you included in Step 3.  The invitee will be able to redeem the invitation.

‌How do I redeem an invitation to view a submission?
When you receive a invitation from a LASLI Portal user to share a submission by email, the email includes the necessary details for you to view and update the shared submission.
Before you can redeem an invitation, you must be registered on the LASLI Portal. Once you are signed in, you can select "Redeem Submission" from the menu option in the upper right-hand corner.
You will be prompted for the submission id and an invitation code. An example of a submission id is "Submittal-300.2". These two pieces of information are used to join your user profile with the shared submission.  It is important to know that a submission can be shared with as many LASLI Portal users as you wish. After redeeming the invitation, you can view and edit the submission.  PLEASE NOTE THAT SHARING THE SUBMISSION PROVIDES YOU WITH FULL EDITING RIGHTS TO THE SHARED IN-PROGRESS SUBMISSION. You can upload and delete documents, provide credit card information, and/or submit the documentation requirements to CDI.
How do I amend a completed submission using the LASLI Portal?
When amending an online submission, you should create a new submission and select the submission type 'Amendment' from the "create submission" page.
You will be given the option to link the amendment to a previously submitted new application, annual renewal or update. If you completed the submission using your current profile, previous completed submissions will appear in the drop-down list, otherwise, you can just type the submission id in the text box.  
There is never a charge for an amendment submission and the payment process is bypassed.  When you are amending a submission that you filed in physical form, you can follow the above process, but you should not link the amendment to a submission.
How do I withdraw my completed submission?
Once your submission has been completed online, you may choose to withdraw your completed submission. You must notify the CDI if you wish to withdraw. 
Once withdrawn, you may not reactivate the submission and fees will not be automatically refunded. You may choose to create a new submission at some future date. 
How do I submit physical LASLI documentation requirements?
You can optionally submit any documentation requirements in physical form. For more information, please visit the California Surplus Line Association's web site to download the "California LASLI Filing Requirements Guide for Surplus Line Insurers" at